Dragon fruit provides vitamin C, vitamin B3, Iron, and Protein which are good for the body, and help improve cardiovascular health by reducing bad cholesterol. Soluble fiber found in dragon fruit helps support weight loss, supports the immune system, and beautifies skin
Origin: Vietnam
Status: No sugar added, No preservatives, natural color
Packing: Buyers’ Option
Port of loading: Ho Chi Minh Port, Viet Nam
Jackfruit is rich in vitamins A, and C, Antioxidant polyphenols, minerals manganese, magnesium, and Kali that help nourish blood and eyes, support nutritional metabolism, and increase resistance
Origin: Vietnam
Status: No sugar added, No preservatives, natural color
Packing: Buyers’ Option
Port of loading: Ho Chi Minh Port, Viet Nam
Mango contains a lot of calories and nutrients, Vitamins B6 and A have antioxidant effects and strengthen the immune system and eyesight. Rich in Vitamin C which helps improve fat disorders in the blood
Origin: Vietnam
Status: No sugar added, No preservatives, natural color
Packing: Buyers’ Option
Port of loading: Ho Chi Minh Port, Viet Nam
Papaya is a rich source of vitamins C, A, and E and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and folate which strengthen the immune system, protect the skin, maintain cardiovascular health, and supports the regeneration process to create cells
Origin: Vietnam
Status: No sugar added, No preservatives, natural color
Packing: Buyers’ Option
Port of loading: Ho Chi Minh Port, Viet Nam
Passion Fruit is rich in vitamin C, Kali, natural fiber, and antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids which help lose weight, improve digestion, and prevent constipation
Origin: Vietnam
Packing: Buyers’ Option
Status: No sugar added, No preservatives, natural color
Port of loading: Ho Chi Minh Port, Viet Nam
Very rich in vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C, PP, Carotene, organic acids, and minerals, and provides fiber that helps detoxify the body, improve skin moisture, remove dead cells, and reduce appetite
Origin: Vietnam
Packing: Buyers’ Option
Status: No sugar added, No preservatives, natural color
Port of loading: Ho Chi Minh Port, Viet Nam